
Students Teaching Teachers: Slow Down and Smell the Roses

Written by College staff member Matt Cavanagh

You may have a similar screen saver image on your computer. I have, and although I liked it, I didn't really take much notice of it as I had emails to check, lessons to prepare, work to mark and so on. Until today – one of my students brought his laptop up to me and said

Mr Cavanagh, check this out!

He was in awe of the beauty of the birds and wanted to make sure I didn't miss it. He hit the mark, and he melted me. I was go, go, go – things to be done and not enough time. But I saw the wide-eyed vision he had of what was a beautiful picture and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Not so much the picture, but how he saw it and responded to it.

Sometimes, we all have to slow down and smell the roses. Sometimes, kids are wiser than us and see the beauty we rush past.

I love working with kids because they are not as jaded as we are, and they allow me to glimpse into their world. It makes me feel lucky, and blessed. Sure, some of them are testing and challenging, but then you get moments like this and for a second you become a kid again. It made my year and taught me a valuable lesson.

Thanks George! You taught me today.