
Reconciliation Week Inspires Palmerston Campus Art Lessons

In Visual Art at our Palmerston Campus, Year 3 students observed symbiosis with a focus on bees. As part of Reconciliation Week celebrations, students began creating their bee sculptures inspired by the Tjanpi Desert weavers, indigenous culture, and processes. They used yarn to wrap the abdomen form. They were very excited, respectful, and open-minded learners.

Year 1 students created artworks in response to Indigenous art and symbols, also in celebration of Reconciliation Week. They explored and communicated indigenous symbols, working together with a variety of materials and processes including sand and foil and collage. Well done everyone and thank you to our specialist Visual Arts teacher Rebecca Mcguire.

We also love the Year 3 bee artworks in their classroom and how cute are the Transition students playing with 'bee-bots'. Extraordinary!

More photos here: https://www.facebook.com/GoodShepherdNT