
Palmerston Campus Family Camp a Huge Success

Over the weekend of 28-29 October our Palmerston Campus held their third annual family camp! Students and their families were invited to to participate in a heap of fun activities with not only their classmates, but students from across all year levels. Everyone met at the pool for a swim before cooking up a big dinner and rounding out the evening with a scavenger hunt – which wouldn’t have been complete without some Halloween-themed dress-ups, of course!

Some families then stayed the night, while others went home to their cosy beds. A fantastic time was had by all with several of the students commenting that the family camp is their favourite event of the year. For some of the families it was their last year with our Palmerston Campus before their children transition to Middle School, so it was very special getting to spend quality time together. Mark this one in your calendar for next year!

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